Friday, August 27, 2010

{seniors} rock!

My seniors rock!!

I have had so much fun incorporating high school seniors into my business and portfolio over the last year. There is something about this time in their/your lives where there is a ton of emotion! Everything from stress and being nervous about school starting again to the excitement of it being your senior year. Some of you have ideas about what you want to do and can't wait until you get there and others of you are simply living in the moment and really excited about your upcoming senior year!

They/you all each have such fun and different personalities and it has been very fun and so interesting to see "what" you bring to your shoot! For some of you it's all about the clothes and for others you could care less! Some have ideas about how you want your pictures to look and others are like "I'm just doing this for Mom and Grandma". And processing... I never knew you all had so many varying tastes some want the model look with re-touched perfect skin and others it's all about being washed out and vintagey ( that a word? Ü) LOL, I just love it!

Anyway... we are closing in on the end of summer here and I do have a few more openings in the next couple of months for those who have been putting it off so be sure and give me a call and lets discuss what you/or Mom would like!

Woo-Hoo for the Class of 2011!

Click here to see a bunch more!